New & Revised Courses Procedure for the College of Design

College of Design Course Approval Process

The course approval process has several review and approval steps prior to catalog /schedule availability. Departments should submit course forms the fourth week of the term and expect at least 2 terms for review and approval. Approved courses are effective the following fall term.  See the Teaching Support and Innovation website and the Provost’s Office Course Approval Process for additional resources for successful and inclusive course development.


 Steps and Tips for Successful Course Approval

    Step 1

  • After the unit agrees on course number, title, syllabus content, learning outcomes, and rationale for the course the instructor enters the information in CourseLeaf  or the PDF CIM Form.
    (The CIM Form is sent to the College of Design Dean’s Office Business Coordinator for CourseLeaf Entry.)
  • Please reference the Syllabus Template and Course Proposal Guide for assistance.
  • The form requires a sample syllabus that includes all required elements.
  • Proposer must consults other units as appropriate for perceived content overlap or collaboration (see Due Diligence Template).
  • Ensure compliance with curriculum policies
    • Credit and student time commitment section must document student student engagement activities in undergraduate (1 credit requires 30 hours of work) or graduate  (1 credit requires 40 hours of work) courses.
    • Must document additional graduate student for 400/500 courses.
    • Note: the form may be rolled back if not in compliance and the review may be delayed.
  • Ensure consistency on the form and syllabus.

  Step 2

  Step 3

  • The College of Design Business Coordinator checks the form and syllabus for compliance with curriculum policies and follows-up with faculty proposing the form as needed.
  • The Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs is notified of any concerns.
  • A summary list of proposals and their review status is provided to the College Leadership Committee.
  • The Committee approves the proposals after all concerns have been resolved.
  • The Business Coordinator approves the forms in CourseLeaf for the Leadership Committee and they are routed to the University of Oregon’s Committee on Courses (UOCC) for Review.

  Step 4

  • The UOCC considers items in the course form and sample syllabus that are constant every time the course is offered, and ensures compliance with accreditation standards and UO policies.  See UOCC checklist.

Step 4

  • The UOCC submits the curriculum report to the UO Senate week 9 of each term.  The Senate votes on the report the last meeting of each term.  The published quarterly curriculum report (fall, winter, and spring) will inform you whether your course has been approved.