Research and Creative Practice
Helpful Resources
- College of Design Research and Creative Practice Forum (Fall 2024)
- Presentation information below
- Dean’s Research Award Information (Powerpoint)
- UO Research Development Services (Powerpoint)
- Dean’s Research Award Information (Powerpoint)
- Presentation information below
- Webinar on Research and Creative Practice (Fall 2023)
- Presentations by Rich Margerum and Kate Petcosky-Kulkarni (Research Development Services)
- Zoom link Use Passcode to access: 65+Sh$v9
- Some minor changes, but information is still relevant
College of Design Dean’s Faculty Awards (2025 Awards due December 16 2024)
The College of Design offers funding to Tenure Track Faculty for research and scholarly work through an annual awards process. The awards are given by the Dean based on evaluations by the Deans’ Faculty Advisory Committee. The overall goal of the awards is to invest in tenure track faculty who will have an impact through research and scholarly work. Note that the number of awards and amount available for distribution could change based on the performance of the endowment funds.
Timeline: 2024-25
- Award applications due: Monday December 16
- Award notifications in February 2025
- Awards spending period: Spring 2025 to June 15, 2026
How to Apply
- Complete cover page and budget template Download Cover Page
- Prepare an abbreviated CV of no more than 2 pages that summarizes your research, teaching, and service
- Prepare a word description (max 500 words) of you proposed research or creative work that includes:
- Jargon-free description of the project
- Significance of project as it relates to your research/creative work program
- Anticipated outcomes and impact of the work
- Plan and timeline of project, including travel and geographic location of the project
- You may also submit up to 5 images that support your proposal (maximum 2 pages)
- Optional: Research/Creative Work partners (collaborative projects must include names of all partners/participants)
- Optional: Letters of funding commitment from partners or other organizations (only include if part of your total budget)
- Create SINGLE PDF of your application
- Submit Proposal via Submission Smartsheet
Review Criteria:
The committee will use the following criteria to review all applications:
- The quality and completeness of the proposal in relation to the award criteria
- The likely success given budget and timeline
- The anticipated outcomes and impact of the work
In the case of closely rated proposals, the committee may also give preference to untenured faculty and faculty who have not received awards before.
Committee Tips
The following tips have been compiled from past committees. The committee reviews many applicants for each award, so the issue is often not whether the proposal addresses key points but how well it makes a compelling case relative to other proposals. Here are things to consider:
- If the project depends on other sources of funding that have not been secured, what will you do if you only get the College award?
- Try to be clear about the outcomes of the work, even if the work is exploratory. Think about making a case for why the College should invest in your research or creative practice relative to other proposals.
- Explain the significance of the project in jargon free terms. What would this achieve, contribute, add to scholarship or practice. In other words, have you answered the “so what” question?
- Be realistic in the scope of your work relative to the funding and timeline
- For the Scan Design Award: be sure to address how your proposal is consistent with the purpose of the award
- For the Hatfield Award: make sure it “connects two areas of the college” and addresses how it will “be visionary, ambitious, and result in significant external dissemination and visibility.”
Limitations and Eligibility
- Faculty who resign or retire from the University during the funding period, are currently Emeritus, or in the Tenure Reduction Program
- Faculty who do not have a contract by spring of this academic year.
- Individual faculty may not receive more than one College of Design Dean’s Research and Creative Work Award in an academic year.
- Awards will not be given to support dissertation research.
- Awards will not be given to support travel abroad programs.
- Faculty who fail to report on activities from past College of Design awards may be excluded from eligibility
- Tenure track faculty who received any College of Design Dean’s Research and Creative Work Award in the prior academic year are not eligible for (1) College of Design Board Fellowship, (2) Frances Bronet Award; (3) Dean’s Award; and (4) Finrow Award
- All Tenure track faculty are eligible for the Tinker Hatfield and Scandinavian Design awards, except for those who previously received a Hatfield or Scan Design award
- Faculty may submit a single application and indicate that they are eligible for multiple awards and the award amount is the same
- Faculty may submit multiple award applications (if eligible for each award)
Awards for All Faculty
Tinker Hatfield Award for Innovation (usually one award of approx. $25,000)
The purpose of this award is to provide tenure-related faculty with support for the creation and delivery of a major, innovative design project that connects two or more areas of the college, preferably with student involvement. “Design,” for this award, is understood to encompass creative/critical work as practiced in all disciplines in the College of Design. The types of work eligible for the award encompass all forms of creative problem-solving and creative problematizing, and include, but are not limited to, creative works, design proposals, published papers, exhibitions, etc. Faculty are encouraged to submit joint applications in cases of collaborative projects. Successful proposals will be visionary, ambitious, and result in significant external dissemination and visibility.
Scandinavian Design Award (usually one award of approx. $10,000)
The purpose of the award is to provide support for faculty in the College of Design to explore and advance knowledge on the impact and influence of Scandinavian design practice in mid-century, modernist, and contemporary forms of architecture and design, including, but not limited to, its local relevance in the Pacific Northwest. Preference will be given to multi-disciplinary research/creative work collaborations in the School of Architecture & Environment, Department of the History of Art and Architecture, and the Department of Product Design. Funds can be used for (but won’t be limited to) independent faculty and graduate student research, sponsored studios, lectures, and student and faculty travel. Recent awards have supported physical projects, symposiums, and travel to coordinate with Scandinavian researchers. All tenure-related faculty are eligible to apply.
College of Design Board Fellowship (usually one award of approx. $4,500)
The purpose of this award is to support tenure-related faculty working with students on team-oriented research and creative work during the summer term or academic year, including foreign or domestic travel, student wages, and related-project expenses.
Frances Bronet Innovation Award (usually one award of approx. $4,500)
The purpose of this award is to support tenure-related faculty research and creative work during the summer term or sabbatical year, including domestic or foreign travel, and related project expenses for testing initiatives that advance the mission of the College of Design, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research projects.
Awards Only for Pre-Tenured Faculty
Dean’s Award (usually one award of approx. $4,500)
The purpose of this award is to support pre-tenured faculty research and creative work during the summer term or academic year, including domestic or foreign travel, and related project expenses.
Awards Only for Post-Tenured Faculty
Jerry and Gunilla Finrow Research & Creative Work Award (usually one award of approx. $4,500)
The purpose of this award is to provide tenured faculty research and creative work during the summer term or sabbatical year, including domestic or foreign travel, and related project expenses.
Spring 2024 Awardees
- Tinker Hatfield Award $25,000
Kiersten Muenchinger (Product Design) Anya Kivarkis (Art) Five Rings - Scandinavian Award $15,000
Cory Olsen (Interior Architecture) The Folk, the Icons, and the Future: A survey of Scandinavian Furniture - College of Design Board Fellowship $4500
Dylan Wood (Architecture) Towards Ultra “Light Timber structures – Prototyping and testing of a flat fact, re-deployable wood system with extreme utilization of material with a team of outstanding students - Dean’s Research and Creative Work Award $4500
Mariachiara Gasparini (History of Art and Architecture) Across the Tuyuhun-Tubo Kingdom: Material Culture from Dunhuang to Sichuan between the Sixth and Ninth Century - Jerry and Gunilla Finrow Research & Creative Work Award $4500
Nina Amstutz (History of Art and Architecture) A Multispecies Framework for Art: The Bowerbird Across Disciplines, Cultures,and Time - Frances Bronet Faculty Innovation Award $4500
Anne Brown (Planning, Public Policy and Management) How Can Integrating Public Transit and Shared Micromobility Expand Access?
Spring 2023 Awardees
- Tinker Hatfield Award $25,000
Ihab Elzeyadi (Architecture), Taylor Richard (Physics), Sereno Margaret (Psychology) “The Impact of Fractal Spatial Patters on Human Performance and Wellbeing” - Scandinavian Award $15,000
Eleonora Redaelli (PPPM) “Denmark, Museums, and Participation”
John Arndt (Product Design) Arndt Wonhee (Product Design) “A Responsible Chair” - College of Design Board Fellowship $4500
Kiersten Muenchinger (Product Design) Bartell Mike (Product Design) “Reduce, Replace, Recalculate” - Dean’s Research and Creative Work Award $4500
Ceara O’Leary (Architecture) “Spaces of Resilience: Documenting Emergent Community Hubs” - Jerry and Gunilla Finrow Research & Creative Work Award $4500Amanda Wojick (Art) “The Merrymaking Screens: Weeping/Whirling, Painting/Sculpture”
- Frances Bronet Faculty Innovation Award $4500
Jack Snell-Ryan (Art)“Resonant Histories: Cultural Space & Political Landscapes”
Spring 2022 Awardees
- Tinker Hatfield Award $25,000 –Not awarded
- Scandinavian Award $15,000 –Not awarded
- College of Design Board Fellowship $4500
Yizhao Yang: Aging in Place – Understanding the Enabling Factors and Exploring Actions ($4,500). - Dean’s Research and Creative Work Award $4500
Cory Olsen: Project: Tree Rock Robot Series ($4,500) - Jerry and Gunilla Finrow Research & Creative Work Award $4500
Kristen Seaman: Field Research for the book entitled: Art, Work, and Identity in the Ancient Greek Sculpture Industry ($4,500) - Frances Bronet Faculty Innovation Award $4500
Siobhan Rockcastle and Kyuho Ahn: The Impact of lighting design on occupant perception and behavior in a healthcare environment: an experiment in virtual reality ($4,500).