
The Central Business Services Office (CBSO) has procedures to process all UO business travel-related expenses. The university is responsible for ensuring that all employee travel payments, reimbursements, and advances, regardless of source of funds, are fair and equitable to both the university and the traveler and that they are made in accordance with all state and university applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines.

Business travel for the university is managed via the Concur system. You can access Concur from Your Concur login will be the same single sign-on used to access other sites, including your email.

For the first time inputting a request or reimbursement into Concur, we recommend scheduling a walkthrough with our Concur support contact, Brian Conley

There is a Concur manual available for reference on the Business Affairs website.

Please contact CBSO with any travel questions you have:

Brian Conley, Accounting Technician (Travel/Concur/UO Forensics Team Support)
541-346-3685 |