Purchasing & Contracting
Some form of written agreement or contract is required any time the university:
- is committed to an action or payment for goods or services
- commits to the acceptance of an action by a vendor
- agrees to a specific dollar amount for goods or services
All contracts or agreements that require a signature should only be signed by an authorized contract officer or their designee. An unauthorized signer could be held personally liable. When submitting a contract or agreement to be signed, send via email to cbso@uoregon.edu. Please be sure your submission includes the following: Contractor name and contact information, unless clearly indicated on the contract, brief business purpose, and index/activity to charge. Any form of contractual agreement should be signed before the fact. Be sure to allow sufficient advance time for either preparation or revision of a contract.
A Certificate of Insurance and Endorsement may also be required during the contract process: Certificate of Insurance example; Endorsement example
The formal bid process is mandatory for:
- Purchase of goods, supplies, or services (excluding personal or professional services) wherein the life value of the contract exceeds $50,000
- The acquisition of personal or professional services, wherein the life value of the contract exceeds $100,000
Contracts that require Business Affairs Office approval:
- Contracts or Purchase Orders (POs) of more than $5,000
- Facilities Rentals or Leases
- Equipment Rentals or Leases
Contracts that require Department of Justice approval:
- Governmental contracts outside of Oregon
- More than $75,000
Special approval through the Business Office Contracts Manager required:
- Attorney services
- Audit services
- Financial and bond counsel services
- Agreements with Native American Tribes
Foreign national personal or professional services contracts cannot be directly charged to the University of Oregon Foundation funds, so funds will need to be transferred from the foundation to a gift index.
Professional Services Contracts
Most contracts of this type are for lectures, workshop coordinators, or photography services. If a guest lecturer who is a member of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) has worked, or will work, for the university within the last 24 months, then they must be paid through the university payroll system as temporary/secondary employees.
State law forbids retroactive contracts for professional services and indicates that persons who authorize a retroactive contract may be personally liable to repay the monies thus expended and may possibly be subject to other civil penalties.
To comply with the above, all contracts and employment (payroll) paperwork must be signed by Department Head, contractor, and Contracting Officer (UO Business Office) as required before work begins.
Steps for Professional Services Contract (PSC)
- Submit Contract/Professional Services Contract (PSC) Worksheet to Central Business Services Office staff at least 30 days prior to service including funding approvals.
- Central Business Services Office prepares PSC, obtains additional approvals as needed, and corresponds with contractor to finalize contract.
- When PSC is completed by both parties, the department/program contact will be copied on the correspondence so that the coordinator knows that services can begin as scheduled.
- Upon completion of service, the faculty member in charge must inform Central Business Services Office staff to process payment.
- In some circumstances, the contractor may be required to maintain and provide proof of certain types of insurance, as applicable, such as for exhibit installations.
The University of Oregon’s purchasing rules, regulations, and procedures govern, but are not limited to, the procurement of travel and lodging, conference registration, trade services, equipment, and materials.
To purchase supplies or services, authorization from the administrator of the source of funding is required in advance. Any purchases or reimbursements with university funds becomes the property of the University of Oregon.
Certificate of Insurance Coverage Requirements
A Certificate of Insurance as well as the Endorsement is required if a non-UO employee comes on campus to provide a service. Before a vendor comes on campus, please obtain a Certificate of Insurance.
Purchase orders
Purchase Orders (POs) are used by the university to facilitate communication with vendors, to provide helpful accounting tracking information, and to help meet Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) record keeping requirements. A PO with the attached “terms and conditions” is considered a legal document.
- All purchases of more than $5,000 require competitive bidding and the use of a purchase order.
- Purchases of more than $100 are strongly advised to use a purchase order to benefit from the university terms and conditions and the commitment of funds.
Obtaining a purchase order:
- Fill out the Purchase/Web Order Request Form.
- Obtain Department Head/Grant Administrator’s signature for approval
- Submit the completed form to Central Business Services Office (accounting technician)
- The Fiscal Services accounting technician will complete a purchase order and send to vendor as directed
Direct Payments
Procurement card is available for the purchase of supplies and equipment of less than $5,000, airfare, conference registration, and deposits for future purchases. Use the Purchase/Web Order Request Form to initiate a purchase with the procurement card. Services cannot be purchased with the procurement card.
Direct payment by check (i.e., registration form, subscriptions, and invoices): Use the Invoice Direct Payment Approval Form. Direct payments require an itemized invoice and cannot be made from vendor statements or packing slips.
Non Per Diem Reimbursements require itemized, original receipts that show proof of payment. If the itemized receipt does not include proof of payment, please provide documentation of payment (i.e., credit card slip, canceled check, or bank/credit card statement). Use Miscellaneous Reimbursement Request Form. Obtain permission for purchase prior to spending personal funds.
Refreshments and Food: Request to Serve Refreshments at Meetings Form must be completed if food is served at any university meeting, conference, or event. It is also required for hosting guests. If food is involved, submit this form when turning in a reimbursement request or invoice to be paid out of state funds.
- Gifts of more than $25
- University contracted services (e.g., on-campus catering, or Eugene area photocopies)
- Personal/Professional Services (Personal/Professional Services Contracts must be used for services from independent contractors)
- Bottle Deposits
- Alcohol on state funds
- Gratuity greater than 15% of meal (unless restaurant requires a specified amount for groups)
- Non-transferable warrantied items (e.g., electronic equipment)
Individual Membership Restrictions
- Memberships should be institutional rather than individual and should not remain with an employee after termination.
- In the case where individuals would probably belong regardless of their affiliation with the institution, dues for such memberships are to be paid by the individual.
- No payment of membership dues may be authorized for organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, or handicap.
Individual Membership Exceptions/Procedures
- Membership in an organization made up of public officials and administrators is generally institution-related and a benefit to the institution.
- Membership in an organization engaged in activities closely related to the individual’s employment and made up of interested persons from government, private and commercial fields may be a benefit to the institution because of knowledge gained or publications received.
- When requesting payment for membership from state funds, documentation of the membership period and membership’s benefits to the University must be included. Submit this information to accounting technician upon request for purchase order, direct payment, or reimbursement.
Please see explanation of allowable membership and dues expenses if you have questions about the difference.
Purchasing & Professional Services Contract Forms
To save PDF forms to your computer, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat. Otherwise, you will only be able to print the form but not save the form once you’ve completed it. If you need Adobe Acrobat, please contact College of Design Technology Services. Macintosh Users: Please use the Firefox or Internet Explorer web browser when using the forms. Not all form functions work with Safari.
- Contract Intake Sheet (Instructions)
- Invoice Direct Payment Form
- Miscellaneous Reimbursement Request
- Office Supply Order Form
- Personal Services Agreement (Foundation)
- Purchase/Web Order Request Form
- Request to Serve Refreshments at Meetings Form
- Contract/Professional Services Contract (PSC) Worksheet