
Glossary of terms
Term Definition
City pairs contracted, discounted, unrestricted, one-way fares
Contracts legally enforceable documents used to procure a product or service or to fund research, development, or training
Cooperative Agreements types of award mechanisms that work like contracts but allow for substantial involvement by the funding agency when necessary in the performance of the activities
Designated Grant Administrator (DGA) the department administrator who assists the Principal Investigator (PI) in the administration of the grant and acts on their behalf as a liaison with the Office of Research Services and Administration (ORSA)
Endowment the principal non-spendable portion of foundation funds used to generate interest to be used as the equity (spendable amount) of foundation funds
Equity the interest earned from endowment investments that is the spendable cash portion of foundation funds
F&A (Facilities & Administrative) joint expenses that are not easily identifiable and are incurred by the institution for centralized activities (e.g., building, equipment use, depreciation, operation, and maintenance costs)
Foundation a separate, non-profit corporation that receives, manages, invests, and disburses private gifts donated to the University of Oregon
Grants awards used to provide assistance for a project when no substantial programmatic involvement of the funding agency is anticipated or required in the performance of the proposed activities
Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) all direct costs for the purpose of a grant/contract excluding capital expenditures, student support/participation costs, patient care costs, rental costs for space, and the portion of a subgrant/subcontract in excess of $25,000
Principal Investigator (PI) the individual designated by the grantee institution to direct the project or activity being supported by the grant
Purchase Order a contract between a vendor and UO to provide goods or trade services that obligates the vendor to the University of Oregon’s purchasing and contracting policies
Sponsored Projects Administrator (SPA) the designee from the Office of Research Services Administration (ORSA) who coordinates with the Principal Investigator (PI) and Designated Grant Administrator (DGA) to facilitate the administration of the grant/contract
Travel Advance a personal loan to employees based on anticipated, legitimate, reimbursable, business expenses

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Acronym Title
AAEO Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity
BAO Business Affairs Office
CFR Corporate and Foundation Relations
DAS Department of Administrative Services
DGA Designated Grant Administrator
DOJ Department of Justice
EPCS Electronic Proposal System
F&A Facilities & Administration
FASOM Financial Administration Standard Operating Manual
FIS Financial Information System (Banner)
NAPO Notification of Academic Position Opening
OPE Other Payroll Expenses
SPS Sponsored Projects Services (formerly ORSA)
OUS Oregon University System (Eastern Oregon University, Oregon Institute of Technology, Oregon State University, Portland State University, Southern Oregon University, University of Oregon, and Western Oregon University)
PI Principal Investigator
PSC Personal/Professional Services Contract
SPA Sponsored Projects Administrator

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