
The University of Oregon Foundation receives, manages, invests, and disburses private gifts donated to the university. It is a separate, nonprofit corporation, and funds are set up through the College of Design Development Office. Each department and program in the College of Design has funds within the UO Foundation, and each fund is restricted to the purpose established by the donor.

Receiving Gifts

The first step in processing any funds received is to determine if the funds are a Gift, or Grant/Contract. See the following descriptions to assist in making the decision.

Gift: cash or cash equivalency gifts may be designated for general operations or a restricted purpose

  • no donor control over expenditures or work performed
  • no product or items of value given to donor in return

Gifts in Kind (Property): non-cash gifts of:

  • tangible property (e.g., equipment, software)
  • intangible property (e.g., patents, copyrights)
  • services (e.g., photography, consulting)


  • returns something of value to the donor
  • generally a formal agreement with use of funds restrictions
  • contains effective dates
  • may require financial or technical reports be submitted

*If determination is made that the funds received by the donor/grantor is a grant/contract, please see the Grants & Contracts section.


Processing Gifts

  • Cash Gifts  Bring the gift, purpose of the gift, and information about the donor to the College of Design Development Office.
  • Tangible & Intangible Property  Bring the completed Report of Gift Form to the College of Design Development Office.


Foundation Funds Restrictions

The rules regarding the use of these funds are set by the UO Foundation. There are certain expenses that cannot be paid directly from any UO Foundation account. These expenses include:

  • UO Payroll
  • Personal Services Contracts for Foreign Nationals
  • Motorpool
  • UO Printing
  • UO Postage
  • City pair (government rate) contracts for airfare through contracted travel agencies

If the intention is to pay for these type of expenses from the foundation, then they have to be charged to the proper gift account in the UO financial system (Banner), and the funds may then be deposited from the foundation into this account to reimburse the expense.


Personal Services Contracts

To pay for Personal Services from the UO Foundation, use the “Foundation Personal Services” agreement form. These agreements cannot be used for paying university employees, Foundation employees, or foreign nationals. The form requires original signatures of contractor and authorized account signer, tax address and SS# or US Tax ID#. Upon completion, submit to the Central Business Services Office Accounting Technician.


Travel Reimbursements

Travel Reimbursements from foundation funds are not limited to per diem rates, so actual receipts or per diem rates may be used for purposes of reimbursements. Upon completion of travel, complete the University Foundation Travel and Entertainment Log and submit to the Central Business Services Office Accounting Technician.

Please see:  UO Foundation Check Disbursement Procedures


UO Foundation Forms

To save PDF forms to your computer, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat. Otherwise, you will only be able to print the form but not save the form once you’ve completed it. If you need Adobe Acrobat, please contact College of Design Technology ServicesMacintosh Users: Please use the Firefox or Internet Explorer web browser when using the forms. Not all form functions work with Safari.